Poem — Mirror mirror on the wall….are you true, after all?
A poem about Corona, the present times and the past we so believe was pleasant
Corona the virus is a bigger threat than I thought, but then again I really, thought
Is this a first? Or just another curse in a brand new coat
If I look around and try to hear the sounds and visions near
BLM. International politics, white supremacy, conspiracy theories a bundle a pile
Sometimes they say “discard them as rubbish” and then I hear the proverb “there’s no smoke without a fire” ringing in my ear
Human, drug, sex trafficking and such
Do you think it’s actually possible without the top tier?
While the bad seed of deed transforms to be reborn
Who waters this seed to gain from pains
Don’t they know that no matter how much they make and power they consume
Nothing can be taken after death and is just left around
Manipulations of power and money have always sighted
As long as humanity lives inhumanity shall thrive
Who orchestrates and plays god from our toothpaste to obituaries we may never know I guess
While the puller of strings may change from time to time
The strings always remain to puppet us is a fact I disdain
The truth is that we don’t even know that we’re puppets
If we knew though could we untie ourselves and un-puppet ourselves but unfortunately no exact word for this exists
Ironic isn’t it but it’s so bloody true, but that saying “Ignorance is bliss” may have some weight to be true